Data Enrichment Maximizes Experience

GroupBy's Product Discovery Platform 
powered by Google Cloud Discovery AI

How it works

  • Compare your product set to our extensive product library and produce a wealth of synonyms and industry-standard attributes to supercharge your data
  • Customize your attribution strategy to set yourself apart from and above your competition
  • Let us ensure that your current and future products are forever consistently and correctly represented in catalogs throughout your entire supply chain

Details sell products, especially when they speak the language of your customers


Product information that is enriched with relevant and accurate descriptive details enables your customers to make better decisions. We use a proprietary data enrichment process and custom machine learning models to identify the most important attributes for your demographic.


We classify and product-type your catalog, and then add the useful contextual product attributes from our own library to build your custom strategy. Colors, sizes, specifications, makes, models, measurements, materials and other catalog information give your customers the vivid details they need to make a purchase.


Most products are missing 50% of critical data such as images or detailed product attributes. If our library is missing any of the required information, we acquire the base data to complete the records, data cleansing and product normalization efforts.


The result is enriched, normalized and standardized data that resonates with your customers, improves product discovery and ensures search results are dependable. Plus, using accurate and relevant language, terms and synonyms to describe your products boosts your SEO.

Ready for CLEAN DATA that drives conversions?

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See how better data contributed to better online experiences for Crate&Barrel


Creating better experiences and increasing sales by bringing the store experience online

Shoppers can now browse and refine products more effectively to find the perfect product for them. The result was a 44% increase in conversion rate (CVR), a 128% increase in revenue per visitor (RPV), and 37% increase in average order value (AOV).